PHANTOM: that which escapes definition, that which escapes linearity: an absence which points to a presence.

PHANTOM: suppressed memories that disguise into consciousness - interrupting neurotic constructs - to point to what is under the surface of a story.

PHANTOM: A circular, repetitive flow that never comes completely into light but still insists on being a presence, connecting one to other places and times, insisting to be “re-Membered”. 



Hans-Hannah (she/her) is an artist, activist, performer, food saviour and member of the world pickers collective. Fascinated by Surrealism, Science fiction, Witches, Love, non-hierarchical organisation methods and permaculture. Through her artistic practice she aims to re-shape and re-member the narrative of known and unknown stories, to reconsider our perspective of the world and give agencies to different voices. Searching for ways to face the mess we’re in, find each other and create and speculate about other possible realities.

re-Membering Phantoms:

the Exhibition

Discursive phantoms haunt the (de)valuation of objects in archives, conferring a privileged status to selected artefacts in detriment of others. Objects and histories which are excluded from official archives may still be present in alternative circuits, such as (collective) memories. They form floating phantoms, unofficially present in a (cultural) metabolism.     

Marieke Peeters

The Breath of the Giant

Photo: Pieter Kers

The exhibition re-Membering Phantoms proposes a moment of reflection on possible paths of transmission of unrecorded (hi)stories through communities and generations. The exhibition proposes a collective-ritual gathering, shaped through the presence of alternative archive-circuits, created and exchanged among artists and visitors. As such, re-Membering Phantoms aims to question the naturalised status of so-called “official” discourses that rely on late-capitalist forms of knowledge creation and Eurocentric pathways of information distribution. 



Marieke Peeters (she/her) is a visual artist based in Den Haag, NL. She creates immersive installations, sculptures and films that combine intensive material research with performance. In her artistic practice she creates a form of expanded cinema that reconsiders the tableaux vivant. She facilitates immersive experiences that attempt to find comfort within the horrific. Informed by horror as a genre and construct, her works navigate an unstable social reality.

Lore Pilzecker

Invisible Blossom

Lore Pilzecker (she/her) is a visual artist in her Ma Fine Arts at the Piet Zwart Institute in Rotterdam. The artist researches the deconstruction of monumental artworks by means of reproduction. At the exhibition of re-Membering Phantoms, artist Lore Pilzecker reflects on the idea of mortality. How does one remember the deceased? When someone dies and loses their physical body, all that is left is are stories. One becomes a myth. Lore tries to reflect on the story-like characteristics of the deceased and creates her own symbolic universe surrounding the death of a loved one.

We invite you to think with us: in what ways do memories and histories delegitimized by official information circuits circulate? Do meanings and narratives attached to artefacts change when they are housed in archives/museums?  What kinds of re-Membering processes allow us to relate to the phantoms of traditionally unacknowledged voices, memories, and (hi)stories in the arts?

Mariana Gusso Nickel

re-Membering the Feast

Mariana Gusso Nickel (she/her) is an artistic researcher, editor at Simulacrum Magazine, and member of the de-Haunted Collective. She has recently graduated from the Master of Art and Performance Research Studies at the University of Amsterdam.  She is currently writing, writing, and writing about the Anthropophagic Movement in Brazil, making (it) work with her teeth aligners, and co-organising the exhibition re-Membering Phantoms with Lore Pilzecker.