re-Membering Phantoms

OPENING TIMES: 14 September ‘23: 17:00-23:00* (*Talking Phantoms: 19:00-21:00) 15 September ‘23: 17:00-23:00 16 September ‘23: 17:00-23:00 17 September ‘23: 13:00-17:00

Suppressed memories haunt archives of personal experiences. The ghosts flow through neurones onto hands, and move beyond the boundaries of material bodies. The invisible entities collect themselves in the mist, and search for moments to lurk in to scare neurotic individuals.

From 14th until 17th of September 2023, re-Membering Phantoms, an exhibition and symposium on Hauntology and Artistic Research, will take place at The Grey Space in the Middle. The exhibition presents a gathering of four artists, Marieke Peeters, Hans-Hannah, Mariana Gusso, and Lore Pilzecker, who work with performances, drawings, sculptures, installations, and texts.

The exhibition will be opened by Talking Phantoms, a symposium in which the artists and researchers Anouk van Wijk, Petrică Mogoș, and Marieke Peeters are invited to discuss the intersections of Hauntology and Artistic Research in their practices.


re-Membering Phantoms is organised by the de-Haunted Collective and made possible by Pictorights Fonds.

LOCATION: THE GREY SPACE IN THE MIDDLE Paviljoensgracht 20-24, 2512 BP Den Haag